Baton Rouge RC Club Newsletter – November 2004

PRESIDENT – Farley Phillips
SECRETARY – Willard Beard
TREASURER – B. C. Kistler
EDITOR – Jimmy Lyon – Tel. (225) 753-4637 ([email protected])

NOTICE – The next meeting of the BR RC Club will be Tuesday Nov 2nd at the Greenwell Springs Road Library at 7:00 PM

The elections for club officers are coming up at the December meeting.  Nominations for officers should be made at or before the November meeting.  If you know anyone that wants to be included in the voting of officers at the December meeting make sure that they agree to serve and their name gets turned in.

You should have received, of will shortly be receiving the AMA notice for payment of your 2005 dues.  Don’t dilly dally around with sending your check.  Get it in the mail soon! They (the AMA) can be slow in sending out the new membership cards; and, you don’t want to be without yours when you want to pay your 2005 club dues at the January meeting.  Thanks BC for the reminder.

Minutes of the October 5th Meeting from Willard Beard Secretary:
Vice President Vic Jines called the meeting to order promptly at 7:02 p.m. Thursday October 5, 2004 for Farley who was away on business.

Vic asked the Secretary to read the minutes from our September meeting.  They were read and were approved by all members present.

Vic recognized Raymond and Michael Mullins who were visiting with us tonight.  They had attended our Big Bird and were interested in learning more about out club and possibly becoming a member.

Vic then asked our Treasurer to give us a financial report.  He gave his report and noted that there was an error in it that was the result of his not fully understanding one of the expense items given to him.  He stated that he would correct the error and have it corrected quickly and provide an accurate financial report at our next meeting.  The members present approved his report.

Vic complemented Blackie and his field committee for their outstanding effort.  He then asked Blackie for a field committee report.  Blackie commented that the grass was cut and the field was in great condition.

Bob McMillan was asked for a safety report.  Bob stated that he didn’t have anything to report.

Mike Goetzman commented that he had a concern that is related to a member who is hearing impaired.  He said that he is concern that this member is in danger when he flies since he can’t hear other members call for the runway to land or when it is fouled.  Mike suggested that we should provide a spotter for him when he flies to assure his safety.  Everyone agreed.  Mike stated that he would follow up with a phone call to the wife of this member to fully communicate his concerns.

Mike Goetzman was asked for a report on our Big Bird, which was held on Saturday September 25, 2004.  Mike stated that the event was a great success due to the work of everyone involved.  He said we had 27 pilots register, sold 77 plates of jambalaya, sold 164 raffle tickets, made $150.75 from the swap meet and took in $219.19 in the concession stand.  This resulted in an after expenses profit for the club of $605.05. Mike said that everyone did a great job and thanked everyone for their help.

Mike did comment that there was one safety related incident that occurred but did not result in injury.  He said that one person nearly lost control of his plane on take off, coming very close to a pilot and his spotter who were in the process of starting their plane near the runway.  Several people offered comments about the incident and it was decided that next year, we needed to think very carefully about how we wanted to handle this activity.

Mike finally commented that at one point there were about 300 people at the field.  He felt this was a direct result of the advertisements we had this year.  He also gave a special thanks to Ray Shook and to Coke Cola for their donations and efforts.

We also need to give a special thanks to Dan Acy for donating the airplane kit we raffled at the Big Bird.  We greatly appreciate Dan’s generosity.  So does Butch.

Old Business:
Vic advised that the club sent a potted plant to the funeral of David Bateman.  He said the family greatly appreciated everything we did.

New Business:
Jimmy Lyon made a motion that we take $300 and earmark it for prizes and raffle items for next year’s Big Bird.  Mike Goetzman seconded the motion.  Vic opened the motion up for comments and after some discussion, Jimmy decided to table the motion for later consideration.

Ray Shook offered to build a swing to be used as a raffle prize next year.  We thanked him and said we would take him up on his offer.

Vic advised the members that it is time to start thinking about a slate of officers for next year.  He advised that B. C. Kistler had agreed to serve as treasurer again next year if we still wanted him.  Willard Beard also agreed to stay on as secretary for next year if someone else doesn’t want the position.

Vic advised that Farley did not want to be president next year and that he, Vic, did not want to continue on as vice president.  Vic asked if anyone was interested in serving in either of these positions.  Bob McMillan volunteered to be president, Charlie Dedon and Mike Goetzman said they would serve as vice president.  Mike also voiced interest in being our safety officer.
We will nominate people for each position at our November meeting and will hold our election at our December meeting.  Officers take their positions in January 2005.

Red Stick is holding a fun fly this Saturday October 9 at their field.
New Orleans air show will be held October 23
Lafayette will have an air show October 30

Jimmy Lyon made a motion that we adjourn and Mike Goetzman seconded it.  Vic closed the meeting at 8:05 p.m.